Michael Boerner
Founder & CEO
Engage Technologies
Michael Boerner is the Founder and CEO of Engage Technologies Group, Inc., and has over 25 years of experience founding and leading technology & media companies.
He is an entrepreneur responsible for innovated a number of short-form video-based enterprise technologies enabling data-driven video personalization & mass constituent engagement.
His companies clients have included: Johnson & Johnson, CVS, Ford, Samsung, UnitedHealthcare, DePuy, Covidien, UPMC, St. Luke’s Health System, K12, Blue Cross Blue Shield MN and the Ken Blanchard Companies, to name a few.
Mr. Boerner has appeared nationally on CNN, Fox News, ABC Radio Network News, as well as numerous press articles covering his media and technology innovations. Michael’s first press coverage for entrepreneurial creativity appeared on the front page of a Gannett Newspaper when he was 14.
Michael is a TEDMED 2013 Frontline Scholar, as well as a national award-winning film and video producer and technologist. He led one of the first hospital pilots to use the iPad for patient engagement the day iPad debuted on April 3rd, 2010 at the Disney Children’s Hospital, Orlando.